I am always a fan of 2009. For those who doesn't know him, he was the ex-captain for LGD clan in China. After resigning from the team, he started to make his own DotA tutorial videos. Those videos are actually based on public games but I still find that I can learn something out of it. For example, the timing to enter a teambattle, the positioning of your hero in a teambattle, choice for items in difficult situations and some small tricks that you could master to improve your DotA skills. It is hard to eleborate all over here. If you are interested, you can visit this site where you can watch all his tutorials - http://u.youku.com/user_show/id_UMzE2OTY2NjUy.html
Besides that, if you want to know more about 09, you can watch this video about him - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SIbfM_NnkZE. However, all his videos are in Chinese.